آرشیو :
نسخه تابستان 1399 - جلد اول
نوع مقاله :
کد پذیرش :
موضوع :
روانشناسی عمومی
نویسنده/گان :
محمد مهدی علماءفر، محمد جواد همتی، گیتاموللی
کلید واژه :
استعداد های درخشان، دانش آموزان تیزهوش، روش آموزش.
Title :
Teaching Method for gifted students An overview of
Abstract :
Nowadays, based on appropriate educational and curriculum programs, exceptional talents education strives to achieve its goals of bringing exceptional talent students to a high level of educational challenge and complexity. Because exceptional talent students are interested in learning and teaching outside of the duplicate formats of ordinary schools and have enough opportunity to explore content from different dimensions, different teaching styles and curricula appropriate to their talents have to be designed based on the individual differences of these students. Therefore, the lack of a flexible curriculum as well as differences in the teaching methods for students by teachers has prompted administrators to design and implement a curriculum for all students with different needs. Since the modification of exceptional talents curriculum is only possible by researching and exploring the theoretical foundations of ingenuity and benefiting from the experiences of other nations, paying attention to the widespread talent fields reinforces the need for revision on educational content and practical and educational method and the And the extent of the talent spectrum arising from individual differences requires special attention from the education organization and fundamental changes in budget allocation and reform of educational and intra-organizational laws. This library-based research seeks to explain the importance and necessity of exceptional talents schools and to examine the ways in which exceptional talent children are taught from different perspectives and to analyze their educational challenges.
key words :
Talent, gifted students, Teaching method
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 117-131
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