آرشیو :
نسخه پاییز 1396
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
جواد جهان، علی صفری ، مهران فتحی
کلید واژه :
: استرداد مجرمین- قانون استرداد- حقوق بین الملل- کنوانسیون های اروپایی حقوق بشر
Title :
Iran - Afghanistan; Political, Security, and Historical Obstacles
Abstract :
Iran and Afghanistan affect each other due to factors such as geography, history, economics, culture, politics, and security, and. In addition, emergence and fall of the Taliban because of US and changes in Afghanistan since September 11, 2001, have had made it more important for Iranian national security. Iran’s strategic environment is in a way that Afghanistan has become one of the most important parameters in this field. Nowadays, lack of peace and security in Afghanistan, US occupying policies, and especially covered policies of foreigners to transport narcotics, gangs of smuggling weapons and subversive groups to Iran, are issues that constantly endanger region’s security. The most influential political parameters affecting Iran-Afghanistan relationship may be traced back to factors such as: gangs and drug smugglers’ activities both sides of borders, activities of terrorist groups that carry out political and anti-security measures. On the other hand, Afghan refugees and their presence consequences can amplify the smuggling and dealing of illegal goods and military weapon and violent crimes can be considered as a contributory factor. In this paper, we analyze the most important political-security parameters in a descriptive-analytical way the Iran-Afghanistan relationship.
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- صفحات : 98-104
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