آرشیو :
نسخه زمستان 1396- جلد اول
موضوع :
روانشناسی عمومی
نویسنده/گان :
تورج هاشمی، خلیل اسماعیل پور، زینب خانجانی، پروانه اشرفیان
کلید واژه :
سرسختی روانشناختی، خودکنترلی، دانشجویان، شخصیت
Title :
Evaluation of Self-Control and Psychological Hardiness in Male and Female Students of Yasuj Islamic Azad University in School Year 98
Abstract :
The variables of psychological hardiness, self-control, are subjects that have always been of great interest to psychiatrists and psychologists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between simple and multiple psychological hardiness and self-control. The students of Yasuj Azad University were the statistical population of this study (93 students, 50 girls and 43 boys) selected by stratified random sampling. The data were collected with the help of Tianji Scale (2004) with Kiamarsi, Najarian, and Mehrabi Zadeh Honarmand (1998) Psychological Hardiness Scale. Conclusion: Findings showed that there is a significant difference between psychological toughness and self-control in male and female students. Multivariate regression analysis showed that psychological hardiness and self-control were significantly correlated.
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 37-46
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